Bloomberg Launches Site to Track Elon Musk Companies

To emphasize just how busy Elon Musk is, Bloomberg has launched a site to track initiatives at the four companies he’s running – Telsa, SpaceX, The Boring Company, and Neuralink.

The Future According to Elon Musk presents three distinct views. The Company View shows which targets are behind schedule and which are coming up next. The calendar view shows the big picture, all of Musk’s targets on a single timeline. Latest updates logs the the most recent changes to Musk’s vision of the future. When Musk Tweets a prediction or update, it will show up at the top of the list.

According to the methodology:

To assemble targets, updates, and completion dates for each project in this graphic, Bloomberg scoured Musk’s communications on Twitter, Instagram, public appearances, blog posts, group discussions on Reddit, analyst calls, shareholder meetings, Youtube videos, press releases, internal company emails, and more.

We focused on the most ambitious undertakings of Musk’s four primary companies: Tesla, SpaceX, the Boring Company, and Neuralink. We didn’t include OpenAI, which is primarily a research group rather than a commercial enterprise, nor did we include previous endeavors Musk was involved with including Zip2, Paypal, and SolarCity prior to its acquisition by Tesla.

The proportion of time Musk devotes to each company is derived from a description he gave at Tesla’s annual shareholder meeting in June 2017. “The Boring Company is maybe 2 percent of my time, Neuralink 3-5 percent, Open AI another couple percent,” Musk said. The rest is split almost evenly between Tesla and SpaceX, he said, but “slightly more Tesla—it’s like a drama magnet.”

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