Report Says Tesla Had to Rework Most Cars in Push to 5,000

About 4,300 of the 5,000 Model 3 units that came off the production line in June needed to be reworked, according to internal Tesla documents obtained by Business Insider.

Tesla has fought production delays since the Model 3 was introduced, continuously missing production goals against high demand.

The company originally intended to produce 5,000 units per week by the end of 2017. Production didn’t actually hit that mark until the last week of June. Manufacturing was not without flaws, however.

Business Insider’s report suggests that just 14% of Model 3 cars coming off the production line were ready to ship immediately, significantly below the industry standard. The report said the cars required an average repair time of 37 minutes.

“In order to ensure the highest quality, we review every vehicle for even the smallest refinement before it leaves the factory,” Tesla told Business Insider in a statment. “Dedicated inspection teams track every car throughout every shop in the assembly line, and every vehicle is then subjected to an additional quality-control process towards the end of the line. And all of this happens before a vehicle leaves the factory and is delivered to a customer.”

Tesla is currently aiming to hit a production rate of 6,000 units per week sometime this quarter.

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