Sony Surprises With Electric Car Prototype

Electronics manufacturer Sony surprised attendees at CES 2020 on Tuesday by unveiling an electric car prototype. Sony reportedly partnered with companies including Bosch, Continental, Genetex, Nvidia, Magna, and Nvidia to produce the vehicle. According to a release: A total of 33 sensors including CMOS image sensors and ToF sensors are embedded within the vehicle, in… Continue reading Sony Surprises With Electric Car Prototype

Tesla’s Exciting Product Pipeline Drove Headlines in 2019

There are few companies that grab headlines like Tesla. The electric carmaker’s world-transforming mission, breakthrough technology, and dynamic founder are a great recipe for intrigue. The company doesn’t advertise. And, they’re right, they don’t have to. Tesla had more than its fair share of notable developments to make the news in 2019. Below are a… Continue reading Tesla’s Exciting Product Pipeline Drove Headlines in 2019

Tesla Software Update Includes New Autopilot Features

Tesla has pushed a new update that offers new features for Autopilot like speed adjustments and stop sign warnings. The new features continue to advance the software toward a “feature complete” version of Tesla’s full self-driving version of Autopilot. Chief Executive Elon Musk has said that full version of the software will be available to… Continue reading Tesla Software Update Includes New Autopilot Features

Tesla Owners Can Edit Maps to Improve Summon Routes

Tesla owners who have experienced trouble with the car’s self-driving Smart Summon feature have discovered that there’s a way to update the maps used for routing.  TMC member Armee_1 discovered that Tesla seems to be using Open Street Maps (OSM) for parking lot mapping. What’s more, owners can create an account with the open source project… Continue reading Tesla Owners Can Edit Maps to Improve Summon Routes

Tesla’s Full Self Driving Option to Receive $1,000 Price Increase

Tesla’s $6,000 Full Self Driving option will receive a $1,000 price bump next month, Chief Executive Elon Musk said in a tweet. While Tesla is happy to sell the Full Self Driving feature, owners who elect to purchase the technology can’t use it for full self driving. The full promise of the feature is to… Continue reading Tesla’s Full Self Driving Option to Receive $1,000 Price Increase

Model S Owner Surprised with Hardware 3 Retrofit

Tesla is reportedly retrofitting vehicles with its next-generation Hardware 3 computer that the company says will make autonomous driving possible. Tesla owner Sofiaan Fraval shared on Twitter that his 2018 Model S P100D went into the the Tesla service center to replace a HEPA filter and came out with a new, more powerful computer. “Performed the… Continue reading Model S Owner Surprised with Hardware 3 Retrofit

Autopilot Called Out in NTSB Report on Tesla Crash into Fire Truck

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said Wednesday that driver errors and Autopilot caused a January 2018 crash of a Model S into a parked fire truck. According to the report: ​”The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of the Culver City, California, rear-end crash was the Tesla driver’s lack of response… Continue reading Autopilot Called Out in NTSB Report on Tesla Crash into Fire Truck

New Version of Enhanced Summon Rolling Out This Week

A new version of Tesla’s Enhanced Summon is expected to be delivered this week to Early Access Program members, Chief Executive Elon Musk said in tweet. Enhanced Summon enables Tesla owners to operate their car through the Tesla app rather than from behind the wheel. The vehicle is able to autonomously travel to the driver’s… Continue reading New Version of Enhanced Summon Rolling Out This Week

Consumer Reports Says Navigate on Autopilot Creates Potential Safety Risks

Consumer Reports has posted a downright ugly review of Tesla’s Navigate on Autopilot feature. Consumer Reports said the system is “less competent than a human driver”, makes “poor decisions”, and creates “potential safety risks.” Navigate on Autopilot, a feature of Tesla’s self-driving Autopilot technology, enables the car to guide itself from a highway’s on-ramp to… Continue reading Consumer Reports Says Navigate on Autopilot Creates Potential Safety Risks

Will Tesla Be Different When the ‘Fleet Wakes Up?’

Speaking at Tesla’s recent Autonomy Day, a showcase of the company’s self-driving technology, Chief Executive Elon Musk seemed to frame the company as a taxi tech enterprise. Musk has been thinking out loud since 2016 about the Tesla Network of autonomous electric vehicles available for service through a ride-hailing app. It’s in the Master Plan… Continue reading Will Tesla Be Different When the ‘Fleet Wakes Up?’