Tesla Owner Cleared of Criminal Charges After Explaining ‘Dog Mode’

A Tesla owner in Ireland, Ross Hunt, was cleared of breaking animal welfare laws after a judge accepted that the owner’s beloved poodle was actually safe inside the climate-controlled electric vehicle. A concerned passer-by saw the poodle, Loki, sitting inside the Tesla Model S on a hot day and called authorities, which resulted in a charge… Continue reading Tesla Owner Cleared of Criminal Charges After Explaining ‘Dog Mode’

Police Called to Investigate Model 3 Running Dog Mode

TMC member James Morrison (jamesspice) was surprised to step into a parking lot in Burlington, Ontario and find police surrounding his Model 3. Turns out a concerned citizen had reported that Morrison had left his dog Amber in a hot car with the windows up. Of course, Morrison was taking advantage of Tesla’s Dog Mode… Continue reading Police Called to Investigate Model 3 Running Dog Mode