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  1. fhteagle

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    https://electrek.co/2024/09/12/us-electricity-demand-is-about-to-surge-heres-what-needs-to-happen/ https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/news/oracle-to-build-nuclear-smr-powered-gigawatt-data-center/
  2. fhteagle

    Supercharger - De Beque, CO

    If they build it to match that diagram, that's going to be a decidedly not trailer friendly location. Like invent a new category on supercharge.info, "don't even think about it" not trailer friendly.
  3. fhteagle

    Supercharger voting no more?

    Even before the Musky one's temper tantrum firing of the entire supercharger team, they weren't exactly prompt about changing out the voting options every quarter. Agreed about Durango and Cortez being very important locations to add soon, though.
  4. fhteagle

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    A solution to thermal plants being wasteful in ramp / up down, and not being able to load match with renewables efficiently is already available as a service. Kills one of the fallacious arguments against nuclear, too...
  5. fhteagle

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    Hello fellow SMPA member. I missed the meeting due to being sick that day. Boo. As I understand it, this is a limit on self-generation (i.e. generation made by SMPA itself or a SMPA member and not sold to/through TSGT) from all sources, not specifically renewables. SMPA chooses to only buy...
  6. fhteagle

    What did you name your Tesla?

    "YNaut" ... Pronounced like "why not", or "Y nought", take your pick.
  7. fhteagle

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    My cousin's husband just left the job he had for almost a decade working on Radioisotope Thermal-electric Generators (RTGs). Much of his work was classified, or under NDA to private aerospace firms, but I was able to fill in the gaps in what he was able to say somewhat. Apparently, quite a bit...
  8. fhteagle

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

  9. fhteagle

    Discussion: Powershare [V2X feature currently announced for Cybertruck]

    That's definitely the sweet spot: - a daily or twice daily cycling durable but smaller fixed storage battery that can soak up solar or off peak grid energy while you're gone, and - higher capacity V2L/H/G EV for the 1 or 2 dozen times a year when the fixed storage just isn't quite enough or...
  10. fhteagle

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    .... into the the following ITERation of fusion research ... FIFY :)
  11. fhteagle

    Non-Tesla EV charger & wiring

    My set up is two OpenEVSEs instructed by Home Assistant for when to enable / disable charging. No MQTT required, just an integration from GitHub by user firstof9 . "Eco" mode based on local solar conditions most of the time, and a calendar based charge up extra and start preconditioning early...
  12. fhteagle

    Road tripping from Colorado to Des Moines?

    The Y just went Montrose - Cedar Rapids and back. There's not any Supercharger stations to avoid. Just remember to check the weather. Tesla trip planner is good, but not perfect about the big head and sidewinds in Nebraska, effects of bad storms, etc. Brush to Ogallala is probably the worst...
  13. fhteagle

    Tesla Android App GBs of Storage

    I was at 6.6GB used, Android 13 (LineageOS 20). Did a clear storage about a week ago, lost my phone key setup, but it's been pretty stable at ~0.4GB used since.
  14. fhteagle

    Energy Sector News

    The article is pretty light on all the details that matter. If I'm reading it correctly though, it sounds like they are just doping a typical LFP cell with fluorine in the cathode. LiPF⁶ is a common ingredient in electrolytes, but this is the first time I'm hearing about forcing fluorine into...
  15. fhteagle

    Hydrogen Vehicles

    I realized in my last reply I forgot answer the OPs original question. The only "threat" that the chimera of hydrogen possess is that it steals precious R&D dollars from other technologies that actually have a chance of becoming useful and economical...
  16. fhteagle

    Hydrogen Vehicles

    For a thorough debunk of hydrogen for every use case except as a stationary industrial feed stock, see Michael Barnard's long running series of articles on CleanTechnica. Very well researched in terms of the physics, chemistry, industrial needs, and economics of various fuels. Hydrogen is just...
  17. fhteagle

    Wiki Largest gaps between Superchargers on US Interstates

    Please listen to the professor.
  18. fhteagle

    Supercharger - Frisco, CO - Frontage Road

    V3.5 ... I think the cabinets are even labeled that on the shipping packaging...
  19. fhteagle

    Exporting or importing DC directly to a car with V2X DC, let's connect all the things together

    It's my understanding that CharIN was formed after CCS was "finalized", as a reaction to the mistakes baked into the CCS1 system. Then CharIN focused on the Megawatt Charging System (MCS) to not go through the same interoperability nightmare that CCS1 was. But I can't find anything to support or...
  20. fhteagle

    Exporting or importing DC directly to a car with V2X DC, let's connect all the things together

    SAE gets the blame for the hold up in my opinion. They've been a day late, dollar short, and suffering from short sighted group think for a decade on EV charging and then bidirectional matters. But I'll get off my soap box now. Relevant standards that I am aware of: ISO 15118-2/-20, SAE J3068...
  21. fhteagle

    List of Supercharger sites with WiFi or Starlink

    I feel like this would be a good thing to have icons on supercharge.info ... But add Montrose, CO to the list. TeslaWifi_Mercury, car auto connected, but I didn't think to do a speed test in my crazy short stop.
  22. fhteagle

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    Here are some different numbers from different sources, with very different conclusions to the source you quoted. NREL https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy21osti/80580.pdf IPCC 2014 https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/ipcc_wg3_ar5_annex-iii.pdf#page=7 UNECE...
  23. fhteagle

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    So I hadn't looked into Diablo at the time I replied, and I just got some time to check more into it. I just assumed that kind of price tag should be buying decades of life extension, not 5 or 6 years. Something is extremely fishy about that cost estimate. I know there was some talk about...
  24. fhteagle

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    What are your sources for these numbers?
  25. fhteagle

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    $8-12B to extend the life of Diablo for how long? 20 yrs? 40? And 8GW solar creates ~16,000GWh / year in the best of conditions in the California desert, according to kWh/kWp ratio from globalsolaratlas.info . Where did you get your numbers from? Or were you quoting total production for the...
  26. fhteagle

    FSD free trial is over

    After the trial is over, do TACC and auto-steer (lane-keeping) revert to the old hard coded stack, or are they still run by the neural net system (but with only the stock / free features)?
  27. fhteagle

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    My first reaction is "dafuq?". Nuclear plants have among the lowest, if not _the_ lowest lifecycle carbon emissions of all electricity sources, depending on who is doing the accounting. The fact that it's air cooled is negligible vs an equivalent water cooled thermal power plant. In fact you...
  28. fhteagle

    Supercharger - Kayenta, AZ

    We don't use that word when talking about DCFC's that spit out 400+V and 500+A! (kidding)
  29. fhteagle

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    I hear that and immediately wonder about "base load" sources like nuclear, geothermal, etc, especially air cooled ones. Build a data center of X MW, build a corresponding plant or plants of X+10% MW output at worst daytime temperature, and run them hard during the day to cover the data center...
  30. fhteagle

    Supercharger - Kayenta, AZ

    There's a solar facility just north of town. No idea who owns, operates, and profits from it though.... https://maps.app.goo.gl/gJnZwxhFtzfiDjBo9 But I agree, solar + BESS microgrids + sell value added electricity to travelers passing through (let alone snacks and such) seems like a pretty...
  31. fhteagle

    Supercharger - Kayenta, AZ

    Just for grins I called that BK.... "It's being installed, but it's not done yet". Somebody tag the people who maintain supercharge.info please. I forget their usernames just now.
  32. fhteagle

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    This is an interesting statistic. Where did you get it from?
  33. fhteagle

    Run low, charge high periodically to "exercise" cells?

    As I understand it, the BMS for BMC cells should see high SOC (91+%?) and less than 20% or so, AND let it sit for 1-3 hours with no loads (no HVAC, sentry, etc) so that true cell balance readings can be taken and reacted to. I try to accomplish this around 4-6 times a year, in combination with...
  34. fhteagle

    Should cabin be hot when charging?

    I also see an increase in cabin temp display when charging is on. I doubt that it is really heat rising up from the battery, the jump in temp is way too soon from charging start, even on coldish mornings. I suspect the cabin temp sensor might be somewhere near a warm computer or coolant line.
  35. fhteagle

    Phantom braking

    I wish dashcam also recorded the contents of the infotainment screen too. Would love to know what percentage of these events are related to false speed limit change glitch, incorrectly detected object, TACC staying latched onto a car that is fully in another lane, etc....
  36. fhteagle

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    I could definitely believe that. EIA data has never been the paragon of reliability, and occasionally I catch it spewing out impossible numbers. Right, but the smart time to run those is during the evening peak as solar is ramping down. Running NG generation harder midday to charge batteries...
  37. fhteagle

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    I'm trying to rectify what I'm hearing from MZJ with this data: Real-time Operating Grid - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) There's a huge fossil gas spike in the middle of the day. I assume "other" on this display is battery storage. If so, then the fossil gas generation bump each...
  38. fhteagle

    Fleet API command/navigation_request endpoint

    I figured out the navigation_request syntax for the Fleet API, it's the same as the old Owner API: curl --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header "Authorization: Bearer YOURTOKENHERE" \ --data '{ "type": "share_ext_content_raw", "locale": "en-US", "timestamp_ms"...
  39. fhteagle

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    Lol that joke works on so many levels......
  40. fhteagle

    Fleet API command/navigation_request endpoint

    Hey all Just converted Home Assistant to be using the new Fleet API since my vehicle finally got kicked off of Owner API this week. Used Teslemetry for the http proxy, so far so good on that. Next bit of functionality that I am trying to restore is sending a destination to the car. The Tesla...
  41. fhteagle

    The anti-Tesla EV lovers

    Yes, and I maintain that such a lack of planning and action on integrating the car into the rest of a home ESS strategy, let alone a VPP, has been a _GIANT_ strategic blunder on the part of Tesla. Elon was quite simply dead wrong when he claimed V2H and V2G weren't worth it (hoping to sell more...
  42. fhteagle

    Elon fires the head of SuperChargers and much (all?) of the SuperCharger team - how will this affect new SCs?

    $17 / kW (-not- kWh) + $0.065/kWh all day every day is the standard pricing for 40kW+ demand users from our local electric co-op. Not going to be that rate everywhere, but it's spot on for here and my example...
  43. fhteagle

    Abrupt Phantom Breaking at high speed - scary

    Nor TACC. Tesla will absolutely do phantom braking without auto steer being on......
  44. fhteagle

    The anti-Tesla EV lovers

    At the time we bought the Y, Tesla was the only OEM making vehicles with access to both Superchargers and CCS. That was _the_ winning factor in our decision then, and is still significant in our decision about what to get next due to being in a rural area with few and far between charging...
  45. fhteagle

    Elon fires the head of SuperChargers and much (all?) of the SuperCharger team - how will this affect new SCs?

    Your math is missing demand charges by utilities. It's not a universal, but here's an example with better than SWAG level numbers from my local co-op for my closest Supercharger: Let's say my relatively sleepy local site gets 3 cars that all pull up in a group and start charging at the same...
  46. fhteagle

    This is MY idea, you can't have it!

    I have set up Home Assistant to act as my maintenance tracker. It will add to do list items for me automatically when they are due by time or by mileage. This a game changer on keeping up with mx on the 3 vehicles in the family.
  47. fhteagle

    Supercharger - Park City, UT

    Is it truly V4 or yet another V3.4 (V3 cabinets powering V4 dispensers)?
  48. fhteagle

    Prediction: Coal has fallen. Nuclear is next then Oil.

    I need two reaction emojis for this... One that's "thanks for sharing", and two "puke all over the floor". That level of obvious and outright corruption I would expect from Nigeria, not the USA. I'm not so naive to think it hasn't happened constantly in the past, but the brazenness of admitting...