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  1. A

    TuneIn Radio stations flickering between Play and Pause

    Hey guys, The TuneIn Radio stations on my 2021 Model 3 LR has been flickering for the past 2 updates (few months already). It randomly happened one day and I have tried to reset the car by pressing both buttons on the steering wheel down until the Tesla logo re-appears on the screen. It fixed...
  2. P

    Is Tunein supposed to be ad-free?

    Is Tunein on the Model 3 supposed to be ad-free? I'm referring to actual Tunein ads, not ads or commercials from local radio stations. I can't recall exactly but when I first got my Model 3, I don't remember hearing any Tunein ads either at the beginning of audio play or during audio play. Also...
  3. M

    XM Radio and TuneIn “spinning wheel of death”

    I have a 2013 Model S (original owner) with software 2021.24.28. The XmRadio and TuneIn Audio Sources just show a “spinning wheel” and no contents show up. I can only swith to the XM source by professing one of the previously stored FAVORITES, but nothing shows on the recent...
  4. A

    Program Audio Cutoff Early By Advertising Audio on TuneIn Channels?

    All: For about a year, I've noticed that the audio on cable news shows such as those on MSNBC and CNN are consistently cut off a few seconds early by advertising when using the Tune In versions of these? Typically, it's enough to cut off the final sentence of the speaker or program host before...
  5. W

    Shadow banned on Time In?

    For the last couple of weeks I've noticed that all the podcasts that I have saved to my favorites from conservative talk show hosts won't load. The new episodes show up on the episodes list but when I click on them I just get the spinning circle endlessly. All the other podcasts I click on load...
  6. J

    TuneIn Issues

    A few random stations in my TuneIn app don't work. Particularly, the only station I listen to hasn't worked in a couple weeks (ESPN LA). The loading symbol just goes round and round. I click on other stations that work, but this one just won't. Anyone have recommendation apart from waiting...
  7. Bullwinkl

    TuneIn stations disappearing

    Am I wrong, or are their fewer stations than there were a month ago?
  8. jkirkwood001

    TuneIn subscription - still getting ads?

    I've had a TuneIn subscription since I got my 2018 Model 3 AWD. Unfortunately I get ads like I haven't paid for it. Do others have a subscription and do you get ads? Is this a Tesla limitation? Thanks!
  9. D

    TuneIn CNBC Not Working

    With one of the recent updates, my CNBC radio station on tunein no longer plays. The play button is greyed out. Tried a local station and works fine. CNBC used to be buggy, but now it completely does not work. In Canada. Does anyone else have this issue or a solution?
  10. T

    Anyone else having trouble with TuneIn radio stations?

    For the last several weeks now, I have been unable to play internet based radio stations found under the TuneIn section. When I try one of my saved stations, it spins for a while, then the whole music section locks up and becomes unresponsive for several minutes before I can try something else...
  11. S

    Oh no, Stacy's Mom is a democrat!

    For some reason, Stacy's Mom(my 3) won't let me listen to Fox News anymore. When I select it, the 'play' button flashes from play to pause and back a few times, then gives up and "loading error" is displayed. Other TuneIn stations/content work fine. Its not a really big deal, but I'm wondering...
  12. J

    TuneIn stations availability in Canada

    I just traded in my 3 (2018 model) for a Y. Question about Tune In. On the 3, I was able to get MSNBC and CNBC live streams. Those don't seem to come up on searches, globally or narrowed to the U.S. Anyone in CANADA or the U.S. with this problem, will they eventually come up. I...
  13. R

    Spotify, Intune and Charge port questions

    Hi All, Can't see that these have been covered before, but if they have feel free to point me in the direction of the thead. Issue 1: When I have charged overnight and come back to my car, I cant release the charge cable from the charge port. Even if I click the boot button once, it still...
  14. T

    Tune In Loading Error Diagnosed and Workaround

    I couldn't figure out at first this spring why more and more Radio stations produced only "Loading Errors" in my Tesla 3. The reason: The stations are now using m3u streaming and Tesla's servers through which we all get Tune-in, are apparently not capable of handling the m3u streams (found this...
  15. longshadows

    TuneIn Radio

    Love my M3 and the audio system. Slacker isn't great, but I use TuneIn Radio all the time (streaming those classical stations...). Problem is, I can't seem to set any stations as "favorites" and have them stick. I have to search for them once I exceed the number allowed to remain in...
  16. youlikeadajuice

    Tune In radio losing hundreds of stations

    Was listening to 880 AM news radio via TuneIn on my ride into work this morning when I hear an ad saying that 880 will be moving to radio.com and to use the new radio.com app to listen as it will no longer be available on TuneIn. Obviously, Tesla doesn't have a radio.com app, soooo, I guess no...
  17. joebiker25

    Can't connect to Tunein

    Ever since the latest update a few days ago, connection to Tunein is spotty or non existent. Any one else experiencing this? ver: 2017.42 a88c8d5
  18. Windy City S

    Streaming Issues

    I have recently had issues with streaming, anywhere from Slacker to TuneIn barely work all of a sudden. Constant loading errors, cutting out, and album covers not showing up the little time it does work. Has anyone experienced this lately or have any advice on how to correct? Assume this...
  19. Matias

    TuneIn lags, firmware 17.26.76

    My TuneIn has started to lag, music stops every few seconds for about a second. It is not a net connection problem, Spotify works without problems. I've booted main screen, didn't help. Are others experiencing this?
  20. gelden

    extra reclame op TuneIn?

    Ik had sinds enkele dagen het idee dat Bol.com erg veel reclame uitzond, en dat ik blijkbaar telkens die reclame te horen kreeg als ik naar een zender schakelde. Maar vandaag viel me op dat het wel extreem vaak gebeurde: bij een groot deel van de commerciële zenders (sky, 100%nl, qmusic en 538...
  21. UberEV1

    Post Here for Issues with Tune-In / Podcasts on 8.0

    Latest update for firmware 8.0 addressed a number of issues / gaps in managing music libraries via USB, showing that Tesla is actively listening and improving the User Interface. For this thread, I propose to collect known issues related to Tune-In and Podcast usage. I (try to) listen to...
  22. E

    Wifi Problem (streaming Audio)

    I have no problem getting TuneIn to stream when the car is on the road and connected via LTE. However, whenever the car connects to a WiFi source (Home or Office), TuneIn refuses to stream anything at all. (However, Spotify still works in either case) Anyone else seen this?
  23. fallen888

    What's your favorite live channel/station?

    Perhaps I'm a bit old school, but I'm not a huge fan of podcasts. I prefer live broadcasts of talk radio, be it news or entertainment. I've found that CNN is live. Sadly, I don't have XM in my S60 (stupid premium package). So I'm just limited to whatever is on Slacker and TuneIn. What are...
  24. GasKilla

    TuneIn radio no longer pauses when I take a phone call (on 8.0)

    On 7.1 if I made or received a phone call the station I was listening to on TuneIn would pause during the call (no matter the duration of the call) and resume where it paused at the end of my call. This morning's drive (first time with 8.0) I was listening to TuneIn, got a call and when the call...
  25. P

    TuneIn Radio/digital radio in Australia

    I'd love to be able to listen to high quality Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio in my Tesla. The AM radio reception is surprisingly poor--I guess that's what happens with inbuilt aerials. I expected a digital radio but am I right in saying that only the FM band is digital in the Tesla...
  26. M

    TuneIn Radio Stations Blocked?

    The TuneIn app on the car works pretty great. But has anyone noticed that certain stations are blocked on the car app that aren't blocked on TuneIn's mobile phone or web apps? 95% of the stations in my favorites list work on all my devices, but TuneIn won't let me listen to a handful in the car...