Do Your Homework With These 3 Simple Questions
In the event that you are shopping around for a reputable service pro to fix or replace an ailing battery pack, be sure to ask these 3 simple questions:
1) Can you provide me with full brick level capacity diagnostics? And if not, how do you ensure that any replacement modules you install will match correctly?
Because, if they can’t measure brick capacity coming out, or going in, how are they going to ensure that your car won’t be back on a lift within 12 months?
2) Can you provide me with full module level impedance readouts for each of the Voltage Sensor Harnesses and BMB boards to ensure I won’t have issues with these in the future?
3) Can you provide me with the current pack Isolation and Moisture Levels to ensure that the pack won’t suddenly shut down while I’m driving.
Any reputable service pro that works on your battery pack knows these in their sleep and should be able to provide you with complete brick, module and pack level readouts for each of these.
If not, find someone who does
In the event that you are shopping around for a reputable service pro to fix or replace an ailing battery pack, be sure to ask these 3 simple questions:
1) Can you provide me with full brick level capacity diagnostics? And if not, how do you ensure that any replacement modules you install will match correctly?
Because, if they can’t measure brick capacity coming out, or going in, how are they going to ensure that your car won’t be back on a lift within 12 months?
2) Can you provide me with full module level impedance readouts for each of the Voltage Sensor Harnesses and BMB boards to ensure I won’t have issues with these in the future?
3) Can you provide me with the current pack Isolation and Moisture Levels to ensure that the pack won’t suddenly shut down while I’m driving.
Any reputable service pro that works on your battery pack knows these in their sleep and should be able to provide you with complete brick, module and pack level readouts for each of these.
If not, find someone who does