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Why are you wanting to buy AND sell 22" Onyx Black wheels at the same time? ;)

Screen Shot 2019-07-05 at 10.12.59 AM.png
Why is that any of your business? are you stalking me?....creepy weirdo.

I would suggest if you have a concern then you bring it up with the moderators of this site

No, I’m not stalking. I’m a forum regular since 2013 and use the new posts filter. I saw 3 back to back posts for buying and selling 22” black wheels bumped by the same person. Seriously, you don’t think it’s suspicious that someone claiming to be you, in your city suddenly appeared on the forums last Friday and bumped up a dozen of your buy and sell 22” black wheel threads?
No, I’m not stalking. I’m a forum regular since 2013 and use the new posts filter. I saw 3 back to back posts for buying and selling 22” black wheels bumped by the same person. Seriously, you don’t think it’s suspicious that someone claiming to be you, in your city suddenly appeared on the forums last Friday and bumped up a dozen of your buy and sell 22” black wheel threads?

Someone coping me is flattering. It clearly is some jackass from this site whom has nothing better to do. Tell the moderators if you are concerned, I personally could careless, it's the internet.
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