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45k$ — Looking for Model S with Autopilott under 45$K in Dallas TX area

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Hi All,

First of all I want to thank you all for supporting fellow members here. I’m newbie to the forum. I want something that can make it less stressful to drive in the stop and grow traffic of Dallas, TX. I’m looking for CPO Model S With AP 2.0/2.5 under 45k$. As long as it’s CPO, mileage is not a problem. Just wondering any feellow members ready to sell their S or if you know somebody is ready to sell let me know.
Thanks and Appreciate all your guidance and support here.
Hi All,

First of all I want to thank you all for supporting fellow members here. I’m newbie to the forum. I want something that can make it less stressful to drive in the stop and grow traffic of Dallas, TX. I’m looking for CPO Model S With AP 2.0/2.5 under 45k$. As long as it’s CPO, mileage is not a problem. Just wondering any feellow members ready to sell their S or if you know somebody is ready to sell let me know.
Thanks and Appreciate all your guidance and support here.

It will be tough and a long search but good luck!
Just to put things into perspective, here's the least expensive CPO at the moment (with AP)
Inventory Search | Tesla

Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at 8.26.04 PM.png
I turned in a P85D with 4k miles on it and they gave me $87k a yr ago. They turned around and sold it for $97k So based on that Id say they tack on $10k to a CPO.

CPO Profit Margin

Bottom line: Even on a private sale the car I linked above would be $48k "wholesale" It's not even a AP2 car. So sadly @Jags you're going to have to raise the bar. A lot.
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