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Another Option to Selling Your Tesla

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So we found an interesting company that is "leasing back" Tesla cars for use as part of their rental car model for sustainable rental cars. The interesting part is the income generated from the rentals go 100% to your loan payment first, and then any additional income generated is split 25% to the company and 75% to the owner....interesting concept

We run a company on the west coast where we use your car to create an income flow, check out our website!!!

Your Tesla Rental
If the car doesn't make atleast the loan then I guess it doesn't cost them anything. easy for them as they dont have any cost to it.. but you still have to make your lease payments to tesla but don't have a car?

also leasing usually means you have limited mileage.. this would totally cause you to go over if it does become a popular car to lease
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Made the mistake of trying to revenue share with Mr Mulliner's 'Your Tesla Rental' company as described above. Would not recommend it. The vehicle was rented out at half the daily rate orginally discussed, the mileage was significantly higher than projected, he misrepresented (generous term) how often the vehicle was rented out, broke contract multiple times in just two months and returned the vehicle with minor damage for which he/his company has yet to take responsibility. He no longer responds to emails and currently over a month late in the last month's revenue share. So while his "model for sustainable rental cars" is a nice concept, it did not work out well in practice. I don't like to disparage young businesses, but at this point other owners should be warned.