So got a 70D just over a month old. I have experienced this high frequency but low amplitude AC vibration, maybe twice. Both times they just random came on in the afternoon, generally when I leave from work... (it's been 90+ this summer almost all summer) I didn't know what was going on the first time... just felt this really high frequency, but very low amplitude, like you can notice it, but not sure where it's coming from type of vibration... It seems to exist everywhere, on the steer wheel and the seat... it's not terrible but just slightly annoying. I couldn't tell if it was the road, tires, or what. I felt it for some time but then it spontaneously disappeared maybe a day or two later. I thought that it could very well have been mental, like anxiety or something like that... so didn't think about it further.
Then it happened again yesterday, right after I started the car in company garage. I felt the vibration the whole way home... not worse than first time, and I decided to figure out what it was, so at a stop, I turned off audio, still vibration, so turned off AC, and all vibrations were gone. Then I immediately turned the AC on, and there were no further vibration, and no vibrations after I got going again, and it's been good today...
Is this something others have experienced? I assume something the SC can fix? But the problem is they may not be able to reproduce the problem since it kind of comes on spontaneously... and is not persistent.
Then it happened again yesterday, right after I started the car in company garage. I felt the vibration the whole way home... not worse than first time, and I decided to figure out what it was, so at a stop, I turned off audio, still vibration, so turned off AC, and all vibrations were gone. Then I immediately turned the AC on, and there were no further vibration, and no vibrations after I got going again, and it's been good today...
Is this something others have experienced? I assume something the SC can fix? But the problem is they may not be able to reproduce the problem since it kind of comes on spontaneously... and is not persistent.