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Anyone looking to sell a S 75D or 90D in the UK?

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Hi All,

Fairly new to the forum. Looking to buy my first Model S in the UK. Typically right now I've picked the worst time to buy as options are thin on the ground!

I'm looking for a Model S 75D or 90D either 66, 17 or 67 plate (depending upon price and spec).

Essentials: has to have Enhanced AutoPilot 2.0 or better. Ultra High Fidelity Sound upgrade, Sunroof, Smart Air Suspension.

Nice to haves: Free Supercharging, SubZero weather pack, full leather interior, Uncorked, MCU Upgrade, Turbine (grey/black) alloys

Prefer not to have: Red & White colours, Solid roof, more than 2 previous owners, overly high mileage (ie more than 80K)

Will consider: the RWD 75 - although it would need to be pretty well specc'd

If anyone is looking to part with theirs over the next few weeks / month please get in touch!
