2018 Model X 10/2018, 2024.14.9
I was stuck at 99% calibration since April with multiple attempts to clear camera calibration and start over. I went 500 miles, cleared cameras then 400 miles more. I went to the Service Center and they Factory Reset the car and reinstalled software. They also changed my Sentry Mode USB stick from 256 GB to 128 GB. It still wouldn't calibrate past 99%.
Today, I went into Service Mode, cleared each set of cameras from the dropdown menu (I ignored an error that one of the cameras wouldn't reset) then reset DAS and exited Service Mode. I then did a reset: press the 2 scroll wheels while pressing the brake pedal and released everything when the T appeared on the center screen.
I then drove 6.5 miles (1/2 city and 1/2 highway) and it was fully calibrated. Pulled the car over, put car in park and I was able to select FSD!
I hope this works for others with the same issue I had for the past 2 1/2 months.
"Tesla Autopilot camera" by Mliu92 is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
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I was stuck at 99% calibration since April with multiple attempts to clear camera calibration and start over. I went 500 miles, cleared cameras then 400 miles more. I went to the Service Center and they Factory Reset the car and reinstalled software. They also changed my Sentry Mode USB stick from 256 GB to 128 GB. It still wouldn't calibrate past 99%.
Today, I went into Service Mode, cleared each set of cameras from the dropdown menu (I ignored an error that one of the cameras wouldn't reset) then reset DAS and exited Service Mode. I then did a reset: press the 2 scroll wheels while pressing the brake pedal and released everything when the T appeared on the center screen.
I then drove 6.5 miles (1/2 city and 1/2 highway) and it was fully calibrated. Pulled the car over, put car in park and I was able to select FSD!
I hope this works for others with the same issue I had for the past 2 1/2 months.
"Tesla Autopilot camera" by Mliu92 is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
Admin note: Image added for Blog Feed thumbnail