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Central NJ borrow grey OEM wheel

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Just out of curiosity, where are you getting your wheels powder coated? Let me know if you recommend the shop and whether I should add it to my rolodex for future reference since I'm in Central NJ as well. (Am I dating myself using the term "rolodex"?...)
Was going to check out Crimson Wheel Repair & Powder Coating in Edison NJ.

They are great, highly recommend them. They repaired a wheel on my S already and did an excellent job. They will know the paint color I would think as they repaired my wheel, but it could be they mix to match the exiting color, but I would imagine even if they do that they need to start somewhere, which would be the standard paint color.
Just out of curiosity, where are you getting your wheels powder coated? Let me know if you recommend the shop and whether I should add it to my rolodex for future reference since I'm in Central NJ as well. (Am I dating myself using the term "rolodex"?...)

Rolo-what? When you look at it do you wear your spectacles? LOL, sorry couldn't resist.