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Curious to Know if any S60 Owners Are Looking to Upgrade to 70D

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Jack Bowers
Aug 23, 2009
I have this idea for owners to help owners, with those looking to upgrade their S60s getting help on their trade-in values in exchange for generating referral credits for those who want to win a Gigafactory tour. But first things first. Are there any S60 owners who are looking to do this?
I have this idea for owners to help owners, with those looking to upgrade their S60s getting help on their trade-in values in exchange for generating referral credits for those who want to win a Gigafactory tour. But first things first. Are there any S60 owners who are looking to do this?

Nope. Don't need autopilot (I know how to drive and I love to drive). Don't need the extra 30 miles of range (pointless now that Superchargers are more densely populated). Don't need AWD ( live in Florida). 1/2 sec quicker 0-60 (meh). I love the car I have. Don't want anything else. But to each his or her own.
Nope. Don't need autopilot (I know how to drive and I love to drive). Don't need the extra 30 miles of range (pointless now that Superchargers are more densely populated). Don't need AWD ( live in Florida). 1/2 sec quicker 0-60 (meh). I love the car I have. Don't want anything else. But to each his or her own.