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Custom 21" Arachnid Wheels in Black or Grey

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Starting May 19, 2017, The Arachnid wheels are back in the new program ... without tires and TPMS :cool: Referral Program

3 Qualifying Referrals: 21” Arachnid Wheels

Enhance the performance of your Model S with exclusive 21” forged-aluminum Arachnid wheels in silver.
These are not available to the public and will be available for installation in August for winners in this program.
Curious, how do you know they don't come with sensors and tires? I know it isn't specifically worded, but did someone from Tesla confirm this?
Anyone have Arachnid wheels for sale please message me we which color and asking price. Thanks!

I should be receiving a set of Grey wheels + tires+TPMS shortly to my local service center. $5000 plus shipping, but I'm sure someone will have a set closer to you than me. If anyone in the Eastern seaboard is interested, I can deliver them for free up to a 100 mile radius from NYC (basically Philadelphia, PA to Springfield, MA).