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Do I buy a mobile charger ?

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My EDD is September- October And I’ve ordered after the cutoff for the free included mobile charger. So do I buy one now? For it to be here in time or take my chances it shows up in the trunk on delivery lol
Anyplace to find other owners selling theirs?
Just want to be ready for delivery and I plan on strictly 120v charge as that’s all I need for my use
You wouldn't happen to be in SoCal would you? I have an extra mobile charger I was planning to sell at some point. Very lightly used. Basically new. Tesla storage bag included.

Besides the Mobil Adapter itself it comes with a 5-15 NEMA plug and a J1772 adapter.

Tesla PN: 1509564-00-A

You wouldn't happen to be in SoCal would you? I have an extra mobile charger I was planning to sell at some point. Very lightly used. Basically new. Tesla storage bag included.

Besides the Mobil Adapter itself it comes with a 5-15 NEMA plug and a J1772 adapter.

Tesla PN: 1509564-00-A

Nothing against Rob here trying to make a buck, but these are $200 now brand new from the Tesla store AND include the 240v NEMA 14-50 adapter if you ever decide you need faster charging. The site says they’ll start shipping in August, so you’ve got plenty of time before your delivery. Sign up for email notification once they’re in stock then place an order asap.

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