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Dual Motor Model S

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I'm shopping for another Model S. I'm also a first-day Model 3 reservation holder, but just don't know if I can contain myself long enough to wait for a dual-motor version. Anyway, I'm on the prowl for a dual motor S in the meantime. I bring to the deal a transaction that would be quick and easy financially once I find what I want. Honestly, it could be anything from a 70D (maybe), up to a P85D, for the right deal. An 85D is probably the sweet-spot. Multi-Colored Red is the only color I don't think I can do as it's just not my cup of tea. Prefer a black interior, but it's not a deal-breaker. If you're the kind of person that values such a transaction without having to officially "sell" your car, PM me! Cheers.