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Goodyear Eagle Touring T1

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Trying to find a new or almost new Goodyear Eagle Touring 245/45/19 tire with the T1 designation. Have tried a number of tire stores but no one seems to know where to get one. I have found a number of the T0 ones, and also quite a few 245/45/19 without the foam (non-SCT) but want to match the other 3 on the car. Only looking for one. If anyone has one or knows of a source, I would greatly appreciate it.

Trying to find a new or almost new Goodyear Eagle Touring 245/45/19 tire with the T1 designation. Have tried a number of tire stores but no one seems to know where to get one. I have found a number of the T0 ones, and also quite a few 245/45/19 without the foam (non-SCT) but want to match the other 3 on the car. Only looking for one. If anyone has one or knows of a source, I would greatly appreciate it.

Hey I have what your looking for I have 3 sets. But I can help you with one. 2132756393
Trying to find a new or almost new Goodyear Eagle Touring 245/45/19 tire with the T1 designation. Have tried a number of tire stores but no one seems to know where to get one. I have found a number of the T0 ones, and also quite a few 245/45/19 without the foam (non-SCT) but want to match the other 3 on the car. Only looking for one. If anyone has one or knows of a source, I would greatly appreciate it.

I have the tires your looking for
Let me know what you think. If $300 is too much then I'm sure we can work something out. I'm willing to sell the 12 tires that I have for $850
Hey Joe. That is a fantastic deal but I checked on shipping and it would just be too costly to make it worth it. Wish I was closer to CA as a lot of good deals are from folks in your state. At that price, I am sure you will get PMs from local folks to pick them up.

Thanks for getting back to me.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.