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I’m looking for 2 or 4 Michelin 19” primacy mxm4 tires in or near Florida

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Active Member
Mar 28, 2017
Orlando, FL
Two of my tires need to be replaced pretty soon and the other two will need to be replaced within a few months. I’m hoping that someone might have replaced the tires their car came with and a pair or a set in good shape that they don’t need. I’m in central Florida, but I’m willing to drive a bit to get them.
Two of my tires need to be replaced pretty soon and the other two will need to be replaced within a few months. I’m hoping that someone might have replaced the tires their car came with and a pair or a set in good shape that they don’t need. I’m in central Florida, but I’m willing to drive a bit to get them.

@MTBHXC seems to have a lot of tires and wheels etc. You might hit him up. I recently picked up an item from him. "Hopefully" he has yet to respond as to promised shipping date and provided tracking number etc. Once he received my cash.