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Individual categories/folders for Roadster, Model - S in the Parts For Sale section

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Is it possible to have separate distinctive categories for the Roadster and Model-S parts. It appears when people post they think Tesla only made one car and one part fits all models, meaning they don't post in the title or the body of the thread what model vehicle the part goes to. Then there's endless replies saying "Does this go to a Roadster?", "Does this fit the Model-S?", and I'm sure we'll have the same issue with the Model X and so on.


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Moderators, feel free to move this to "Site Feedback". Thank you.
It appears when people post they think Tesla only made one car and one part fits all models, meaning they don't post in the title or the body of the thread what model vehicle the part goes to.

AGREED and well said!

Separate categories for each model would be awfully nice and much less confusing. In fact, I remember reading an article recently about a startup specializing in Tesla accessories and aftermarket parts, but they had nothing for the Roadster. I wish they would just say specializing in Model S parts, rather than Tesla as a whole - especially when they are clearly not supporting all Tesla models.

The same mentality can sometimes occur here.