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ISO 2015/2016 Model S

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I've been on the hunt for the last few months for the right car to come my way. Ideally, performance model, or Dual motor, or even better, BOTH! I'd like to stay in the $30k - $40k range, clean title, under 100k miles, and autopilot would be nice. But I'm also open to seeing what else is out there.

Im located in So Cal, but willing to travel for the right car! Excited to hear about whats out there! :p
Thank you!
$30k-40k for Performance? ugh, I dunno man, hope you don't mind dents and scratches cuz that's gonna be tough to find.... more like $45k+ if you want performance (used 2015/16). Wish you the best tho... just be patient.
I actually meant to include 2014 as well.
I don't think its too far off. Ive actually seen a couple 2015 p85d sell for under 45k. Especially with more EVs coming and now the new CyberTruck being announced. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Thanks! And hopefully being patient will pay off! haha.
Happy Holidays!