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Lease takeover for Tesla model 3

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Hi everyone!

Looking to takeover someone’s Tesla model 3 lease. I’m located in Florida, but it doesn‘t matter where you Are located. I am looking for 28-34 months left on the lease. I have no preference on exterior or interior color. Not willing to pay more than 5,000 for down payment.

I have been looking on swapalease, but the down payment is either too high, or they are too little months left. Please let me know if you know anyone.

Hi everyone!

Looking to takeover someone’s Tesla model 3 lease. I’m located in Florida, but it doesn‘t matter where you Are located. I am looking for 28-34 months left on the lease. I have no preference on exterior or interior color. Not willing to pay more than 5,000 for down payment.

I have been looking on swapalease, but the down payment is either too high, or they are too little months left. Please let me know if you know anyone.

I have a Model 3 standard range plus with 15,000 miles per year, 28 months remaining and 13,000 miles on right now
505/month had to put $3,500 down
I've got a 2021 Model 3, 8500 miles, monthly payment $485, 28 months remaining, 15k miles/year. White with black interior, Tesla brand all-weather floor liners, winter tire set, no accidents. I got a company car in my new job and so I am looking to transfer my lease. Down payment was approx.. $6k in total. In Colorado Springs