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Looking for 60kw or 40kw Tesla not to picky

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Last year I purchased a 2013 p85 from a private seller and it worked out beautifully. Now I'm looking for another MS from a private seller. There are not that many 60kw out there, but knowing what I know now, range anxiety isn't an issue and a 60kw, or even 40kw would do me just fine.
I'm of course looking for a deal, otherwise I would just use the CPO system, so if anyone is on the fence and would like to sell me your Tesla for trade in cost (plus a little for the trouble) feel free to reach out to me.

My only real condition is it must have supercharging enabled we live in a rural area and travel often to Sacramento, and I would prefer to not get stuck for 2 hours.

My budget is about 40k.

Any takers?
Somebody may correct me, but I don't think that supercharging is offered on the 40s.

Original design did not place supercharger hardware for 40kWh batteries. Supercharger hardware has been installed for 60 kWh and up.

However, Tesla decided to not to do 40 kWh and instead it just placed a software limited 60 kWh to act as if it's 40 kWh without Supercharging.

That means, owners can still upgrade from 40kWh to 60 kWh then also to pay to activate Supercharger as well.
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