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Looking for a 6 seat model X, 100d with 20in rims, AP2

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Not a fan of new revised model X especially the price, I should of bought a long range raven last year. Looking for at least a 100d, don't need performance and or FSD, Ideally would like to find one with transferable supercharging however I know only made for a few months in late 2016/early 2017. Prefer blue or white, with black or cream interior however open to other colors. Thanks
Thanks for links have been watching CPO list frequently, just would prefer to get used from owner and not pay for connectivity fee and supercharger use. I know it doesn't add to much per year, however have it now and would hate to pay in the future.

DrC- you can send me the details, really looking for a 100d just for the extra range. We drive fairly frequently
from San Diego to Mammoth and I am hoping a 100 would eliminate one stop. What is your current range on the 90?
Thanks for links have been watching CPO list frequently, just would prefer to get used from owner and not pay for connectivity fee and supercharger use. I know it doesn't add to much per year, however have it now and would hate to pay in the future.

DrC- you can send me the details, really looking for a 100d just for the extra range. We drive fairly frequently
from San Diego to Mammoth and I am hoping a 100 would eliminate one stop. What is your current range on the 90?
Current 100% charge range is about 230 miles.