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Looking for Either 2 or 4 tires in 19" all-season in Northern Colorado

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
Colorado, USA
Minor emergency type situation here and looking to do something today to get one of our cars back on the road.

Prefer really cheap or (ideally) free otherwise I'll just buy new from Direct Tire and get exactly what I want brand be with a warranty. Hoping someone upgraded or otherwise changed out tires and has a couple tires that are serviceable (around 50% tread) still.

Ideally these would be Goodyear RS-A2 but I'm open to what you have so post up or private message me. I need a pair of tires in 245/45R19 and would consider a set of 4 matching make/model/tread depth/condition for the right price. Not looking for anything out-of-state unless you're heading this way today and can bring them with.

Please no extracurricular conversations as I'm not really looking for idle chit chat in this case.

Thanks for any help you can offer!
I would also consider a set of 19" wheels with tires already mounted for the right price.

Private message me with the details of what you have and what you want.

Again, local-ish only. No out-of-state or shipping as I don't have the time for that right now.
