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Looking for RHD Passenger Mirror

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Active Member
Nov 17, 2016
SF Bay Area
I am looking for a passenger side mirror from a right hand drive car.

I'd like to replace my US driver side mirror with a convex one or if anyone has any lead on how to get one ordered.

I've already tried Tesla and my body shop hook ups, they will not allow US to order one of these.. thanks
I am looking for a passenger side mirror from a right hand drive car.

I'd like to replace my US driver side mirror with a convex one or if anyone has any lead on how to get one ordered.

I've already tried Tesla and my body shop hook ups, they will not allow US to order one of these.. thanks

I am a garage in the UK, We ordered a mirror for a customer that was no longer required, unfortunately we cannot return to tesla
It is still in the original box
Let me know if you are still interested