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Looking for something $55k or below, X, S, or Y in PNW

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Looking for something west of the Rockies. Prefer to stay below $55k and have the ability to fly and pickup the car.

It’s my first EV, so I’ll Probably flood you with questions. If you have something, I’m interested in taking a look!

A Y will probably depreciate the least. So if you really don’t care between the three, get a Y.

Personally I prefer the S. In that price range I would get a late 2016 AP2 S75D with FSD from a private seller. Free unlimited supercharging and premium connectivity should transfer. Get the MCU and tuner upgraded.
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A Y will probably depreciate the least. So if you really don’t care between the three, get a Y.

Personally I prefer the S. In that price range I would get a late 2016 AP2 S75D with FSD from a private seller. Free unlimited supercharging and premium connectivity should transfer. Get the MCU and tuner upgraded.

I disagree with the first statement given how many Y's are currently being cranked out. Much like the 3, there will be an over-abundance of used cars on the market before long and each and everyone will be nearly identical. The only way to sell will be to discount it to compete since your other differences (if any given how few options there are) won't matter much to most buyers. This competition will drive the prices down given how many of them will be out there with relatively no differences from car to car, year to year. I predict this will start ramping up on the Model 3 very soon and we can expect to see something similar from the Y to follow.

Like most other cars, the more options and rarer in terms of production also tend to be the most sought after making them easier to sell. I don't see the 3 or Y being any different since they're all so similar and they're cranking so many of them out currently and working everyday to ramp that number up even faster.