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Looking to buy 2015 or newer 85D, 90D, or 100D Model S (or P variant)

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I'm in the situation of driving a ton for work, so I'm in the market for a 2015 or newer 85D, 90D, or 100D Model S. Would gladly take a performance model at the right price. Would prefer 2016.5 or newer, but open to a 2015 or 2016 (pre-refresh). Would consider a MX as well at the right price. Color, etc is flexible. I would like a car with higher miles to keep the price down, as I will be adding at least 30K miles a year if not more anyway. I'm not 100% sure how the PM system works here, so you can try sending me a message or else contacting me (I prefer iMessage or text before a call) at 720-949-3977. Located in Colorado, I'm willing to travel anywhere in the 48 to pick up the car.