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Looking to buy first Model S (first Tesla).

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Hello everyone,

My husband and I are looking to buy our first Tesla. We live in the LA area and need to be in the under $45k zone. Any suggestions on what we should be looking for? Would like AP1 and would love 85 battery...is that realistic in our price range?

Thanks in advance for the help!!
I saw cars just like that on teslainventory.com the other day but have a similar loaner right now that was not on the site and could be for sale. Sit down with your local store to search the list of available used and CPO cars that only they can access.
Hello everyone,

My husband and I are looking to buy our first Tesla. We live in the LA area and need to be in the under $45k zone. Any suggestions on what we should be looking for? Would like AP1 and would love 85 battery...is that realistic in our price range?

Thanks in advance for the help!!
Fly to Houston and drive it back. 3 days on I-10. Lots of Superchargers. Stretch to 47.5.

2015 90D Blue Grey Interior; Pristine Original everything; 34,500 as of 11/24/18. Delivered at Fremont to Los Gatos, CA home. Shipped to new Houston area home enclosed in vehicle used primarily for shipping Porsches from East Coast POE to Dealers [Got the photos]. Always garaged. Always hand washed. Premium sound, 19" rims, retractable roof. adaptable cruise control and auto pilot, System 9.0 NOT installed, no aftermarket crap. New 100D ordered ETD 12/15. Available sooner to best cash offer.
Hello everyone,

My husband and I are looking to buy our first Tesla. We live in the LA area and need to be in the under $45k zone. Any suggestions on what we should be looking for? Would like AP1 and would love 85 battery...is that realistic in our price range?

Thanks in advance for the help!!

Fly to Houston with Cashier's Check for $48k and drive home on I-10. Piece of cake. 3-easy days with free supercharging.

2015 90D Blue Grey Interior; Pristine Original everything; 34,500 as of 11/24/18. Delivered at Fremont to Los Gatos, CA home. Shipped to new Houston area home enclosed in vehicle used primarily for shipping Porsches from East Coast POE to Dealers [Got the photos]. Always garaged. Always hand washed. Premium sound, 19" rims, retractable roof. adaptable cruise control and auto pilot, System 9.0 NOT installed, no aftermarket crap. New 100D ordered ETD 12/15. Available sooner to best cash offer.