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Looking to buy or Trade Model 3 19/20 inch wheels

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In the PA area. I'm looking to either buy 19 inch or 20 inch Model 3 wheels or trade my 18 inch aero wheels + cash.

Only interested in the 2020 or older rims, so not the Uberturbine wheels and not the redesigned 19inch Sport wheels (original 2020/2019/2018 19" or 20" Sport/Performance wheels only)

Thank you!
I have 19” sport wheels (from a 2018) with the OE tires with substantial tread left that I’d consider parting ways with depending on price. I think there’s one tiny spot of curb rash on one of the wheels but other than that they are flawless. PM me what you are thinking price-wise and I can send pics etc as well. I’m located in Ohio but make it over to PA on occasion (heading through Pittsburgh to MD this weekend).
I’m in Chicago suburbs and would be interested. Any pics of yours if they’re still available?
Yes it’s available. It’s basically new condition.