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Looking to Buy Radio Flyer Referral Code

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Please feel free to PM an offer or reply directly with your asking price for a Radio Flyer Tesla referral code.

If you have any specifics on preferred payment or best way to handle transaction for both sides feel free to include in the PM.

Hm. Listen I might know a guy who knows a guy who can borrow me a referral code. I could sell that to you, if you promise to sell it back to me in a month at market value. This arrangement would require me to post collateral and a pay small fee to my contact, so the price would have to be $449 not $400. However I’m willing to split the difference with you if the market value at buyback time is lower than $375. That means I’d profit only if it’s below that, and you profit only if it’s higher than 449. How does that sound
Hm. Listen I might know a guy who knows a guy who can borrow me a referral code. I could sell that to you, if you promise to sell it back to me in a month at market value. This arrangement would require me to post collateral and a pay small fee to my contact, so the price would have to be $449 not $400. However I’m willing to split the difference with you if the market value at buyback time is lower than $375. That means I’d profit only if it’s below that, and you profit only if it’s higher than 449. How does that sound

Thanks for the offer, but I'd really rather just do a straight-forward transaction.