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Looking to takeover lease in Northern CA

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Hi everyone!

New here, so hopefully posting in the correct place. I’m in Northern California (Sacramento) and am looking to takeover a lease on a Model 3 or Y. Ideally, at least two years left with a minimum of 1,000 per month avg mileage allowance.

Preferred payment of $600’ish, and no preference on color combos. Northern CA would be great, but I’m fine with traveling to southern CA. Otherwise, I’m not sure how costly a delivery service would be.

Thanks in advance!
I have a 2021 model 3 Standard with sport wheels, white on white. 11 months into 3 year lease with 15K miles allotted per year. currently odometer is 11,947. we also have an X and don't need two cars. payment is $639/month. Southern California. Can bring to Bay Area.