Does anyone else see the similarity between the new look front and Elon?
I first saw the pics and thought...hey, I've seen that face before!
There is substantial physiological precedent for this. Humans get mates that look alike, and I've noticed most humans get cars that look more like them. I had a boxy face and got a boxy car (Volvo 245 1982).
Furthermore, humans' physiological shape conforms to that of their mates, and I believe also to that of their cars. My face rounded when I got a more rounded mate, and then more recently I've been getting cars which are more rounded (Mercedes E500 2005).
It makes sense to me they make a car that looks like the CEO of the car company that makes it. As long as each looks good, this is a fine thing as far as I'm concerned, because it's natural. Where you get into trouble is if either one looks ugly, which I don't think is the case here. But I'm always looking forward to improvements! In fact, that's what I've been consciously doing with myself for many decades now, and it works. I personally went way up the number scale, and now that I'm in my older years with more wear and tear, it's more that I'm just preventing myself from going down the number scale as much as I might (although it sometimes does a temporary hike which makes me feel pretty good, especially a few weeks after getting fired and getting some decent rest after a week of ... vacation social activities).
p.s., an example of a negative side of this is when you see a neanderthal looking person with ample mouth and not much brain cavity area with a straight swept up angle face (shallow pyramid) driving an astro minivan. They match the trend. But, prehistoric pyramid human sacrifice weirdo alert! (And just now I finally realized why they used to make pyramids the shape they are. Not a good thing.) You can tell a person by the car they drive, more often than some people realize.