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Modern Spare Kit for Model 3

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Per the title, I'm looking for the Modern Spare product for my Model 3. Hoping to maybe score one from somebody who's getting rid of their car and not including the spare in the trade/sale. I'd prefer the whole kit, i.e., spare, bag and tools, but would consider just the spare itself with or without the bag.

They're available, just BO'ed till the end of Feb, so wanted to get one sooner if possible.

Thanks and feel free to PM me :)
Ah, nah I ordered it directly from Modern Spare.

Just looked at my emails from them, I ordered it on 11/30 and it shipped 12/7! The order confirmation email on 11/30 told me:
Estimated to ship on or before January 14, 2022

So yeah, it shipped 5 weeks earlier than the "Estimated" time :)
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Just FYI, I ordered a Modern Spare that said it would be BO'd for a couple months; got it in 2 weeks. This was just back in December.
HI All,
Based on review, it seem like Modern Spare is good. However, I cannot find there address/location. Does anyone know actually where the company is located.? Also, is it worth getting the carrying bag? Just a bag,

Mine came with the bag, spare, jack, and tools. The bag is definitely worth it. I only keep the tire in the car when going on a long trip so have the bag to keep all the parts together is nice.