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Need 2016 - 2018 Model S, X front seat airbag connector

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I want to swap some gen1 seats in to my Model S to replace the Next Gen seats. I need the airbag electrical connector that connects to the car's wiring harness under the seat. Tesla changed the airbag connector on the Next Gen seats, so I need to get the later airbag connector to splice on the the gen 1 seats. I need 2 connectors, one for each seat. The airbag connector is not part of the seat's wiring harness, it just goes directly to the airbag. So if you have a seat with a blown airbag, you could sell the connector without hurting the seat's wiring harness. The connector is the black one in the photo or the yellow one, both the same. They have 4 wires attached - need about 6 inches of the wire to splice to. It's not the smaller yellow connector from 2015 and earlier seats that has a white grommet attached to it.
Airbag connector.jpg
Yes I do. I'm attempting to do the same retrofit as RK2020. I found some 2018 next-gen seats that will be shipped to me this weekend. I have a 2013 model s 85. Why have you done the retrofit also? Or have those harnesses?