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Need a car!!

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Hey there.
Finally selling my car at a great price.
And I'm looking for the replacement.

Here's what I need.

ANY year.
60kWh WITH all the fixings. Sunroof, tech package, dual charger.
Any mileage will do AS LONG as it has all the fixings.


Any year.
85kWh, Don't really care about the fixings.
Any mileage.

I have good cash, and I'm ready to buy in as little as 3 weeks.
All I am asking is:
No Salvage titles.
No 40Kwhs.
No weird aftermarket rims.

If you have one, please let me know, feel free to message me.
Serious buyer here. I have the finances to back it up, believe me.
Be serious, and be reasonable.


Bump, because I know someone has one that I can buy off of.

Again, I'm not looking for much, just 85kwh, or dual chargers with a 60kwh. Preferably Tech Package, preferable Sunroof.

By the by, I'm looking for between 0-$65k max.
Maybe that ought to narrow it down.
