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Need an UMC - Mobile Connector with 5-15, 6-50 and 14-50

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My UMC died (seven flashes) now I need a replacement. I see Tesla offers the 32A that ships with new cars for $275 and I would need to buy adapters - 14-50, 6-50 and 14-50 ($380). So can anyone do better?

PM if you have what I need or close to it.
My UMC died (seven flashes) now I need a replacement. I see Tesla offers the 32A that ships with new cars for $275 and I would need to buy adapters - 14-50, 6-50 and 14-50 ($380). So can anyone do better?...

Sorry, I don't have one. But I do see original UMCs for sale occasionally on Craig's List (CL) in the San Francisco Bay area (the beating heart of Tesla-land). Some CL sellers may be willing to ship. Also, maybe eBay? And as you may know, you can still buy new NEMA Adapter plugs for the UMC on the Tesla website ($45 each).

Gen 1 NEMA Adapters

I've also seen on CL some good deals (e.g., $200-$250) on Tesla Gen 2 Mobile Connector bundles (e.g., MC + case + NEMA 14-50 adapter + J1772 adapter), if you do decide to switch to the newer, arguably safer, albeit less powerful version.

Also, did you see this post: