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NEMA 6-50P Adapter

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I ended up buying one of these: NEMA 6-50P to 14-50R EVSE Adapter Cord (#EV20491) from Corddepot.com it was a little more expensive than the 6-50P would have been, but I got it in 3 days. I haven't used it yet, but I did confirm it's wired correctly and it fits in the UMC storage bag without an issue.
Just remember that 14-50 to 6-50 adapaters need to be CLEARLY LABELED as EV CHARGING ONLY.
These adapters are basically a code violation (since the combined ground and neutral on the 14-50 side) and can cause appliances that expect an actual 14-50 outlet to fail.
I ended up buying one of these: NEMA 6-50P to 14-50R EVSE Adapter Cord (#EV20491) from Corddepot.com it was a little more expensive than the 6-50P would have been, but I got it in 3 days. I haven't used it yet, but I did confirm it's wired correctly and it fits in the UMC storage bag without an issue.

Thanks.. I found something like this on Amazon from Conntek. I was hoping for one of the Tesla ones, only because they're more compact.

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Just remember that 14-50 to 6-50 adapaters need to be CLEARLY LABELED as EV CHARGING ONLY.
These adapters are basically a code violation (since the combined ground and neutral on the 14-50 side) and can cause appliances that expect an actual 14-50 outlet to fail.

Yes of course. Although I was under the impression that they simply left the neutral disconnected, rather than tying it to ground. I'm not sure what benefit grounding it would offer, since the neutral is generally grounded in the distribution panel anyway.