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Nose Cone (preferably without sensors)

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Since I don't need the license plate holder in the front anymore, I'm looking to replace my cone. I had the early holder where you drilled into the nose cone. Do they still do that? Anyhow, my car was also pre-sensors so I'd prefer one that doesn't have them. PM me if you have any leads. Thanks.
Since I don't need the license plate holder in the front anymore, I'm looking to replace my cone. I had the early holder where you drilled into the nose cone. Do they still do that? Anyhow, my car was also pre-sensors so I'd prefer one that doesn't have them. PM me if you have any leads. Thanks.

Your service center can get one from you. About $450 new (...depends on whether it is pre- or post-PDC sensors).
If you think thats bad, the plastic "T" that goes on that nosecone, is $50..... I decided to duplicate mine after my nosecone fell off and scratched the living crud out of the T. I am going to sand cast a replacement out of Aluminum. Probabally wont work out well, and look like crud, but it will give me something to do :) Worst case, it ends up being a Christmas tree ornament!