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Open Vehicle Monitoring System (OVMS)

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16th September 2020 Firmware Version 3.2.016 Released

Firmware 3.2.016 has been released to all users. This is a massive update with a large number of new features including:

- New vehicle: VW e-Up via OBD-II Port (VWUP.OBD)
- New vehicle: MG ZS EV via OBD-II Port (MGEV)
- New vehicle: BMW i3/i3s via OBD-II Port (BMWI3)

- VW e-Up: combined T26A & OBD module, extended standard metrics coverage,
charge notifications & durations (OBD), enhanced cabin pre-heating (T26)
- VW e-UP T26A: add climate control and charging detection
- VW e-Up: BMS cell monitoring (@OBD)
- VW e-Up: CCS (DC) charge detection & data
New metrics:
xvu.c.ccs.u -- CCS charger supplied voltage [V]
xvu.c.ccs.i -- CCS Charger supplied current [A]
xvu.c.ccs.p -- CCS Charger supplied power [kW]
- VW e-Up: replaced MFD range based CAC/SOH by charge coulomb count based
Removed metrics:
New metrics:
xvu.b.energy.range -- MFD range estimation energy [kWh]
xvu.b.cap.kwh.range -- … usable battery capacity derived [kWh]
xvu.b.cap.ah.abs -- Charge coulomb based capacity [Ah]
xvu.b.cap.ah.norm -- … normalized (usable) [Ah]
xvu.b.cap.kwh.abs -- Charge energy based capacity [kWh]
xvu.b.cap.kwh.norm -- … normalized (usable) [kWh]

- MG ZS EV: Add Charging Metrics page.
- MG ZS EV: Add support for ms_v_charge_kwh, ms_v_bat_energy_used and ms_v_bat_coulomb_used metrics

- Volt/Ampera: BMS cell monitoring (CAN1 polling), fast CAN polling when waking up,
estimated range gets from CAN instead of calculation,
lock/unlock status processing fixed for Volt 14MY;
New standard metrics:
trip (this charge), energy used (this charge), HV battery capacity (CAC, Ah),
transmission temp, doors, trunk, hood, lightings;
- Volt/Ampera: new xva metrics:
xva.v.p.trip.ev = trip using electric, km;
xva.v.e.fuel = fuel tank level, %;

- Renault Twizy: new metrics to reflect extended lock & valet modes:
xrt.v.e.locked.speed -- Speed limit [kph] set for Twizy lock mode
xrt.v.e.valet.odo -- Odometer limit [km] set for Twizy valet mode
- Renault Twizy: support additional OBD/UDS request types & arguments on "xrt obd request"

- ZOE: BMS cell monitoring (PH1)

- SmartED: add Drivmode for Brabus

- Nissan Leaf: invert batt current sign to match standard metrics definition, populate charger power/efficiency

- Vehicle framework: generic single OBD2/UDS request shell command & API call
New commands:
obdii can[1-4] request device [-t<timeout_ms>] [-e] txid rxid request
obdii can[1-4] request broadcast [-t<timeout_ms>] request

- BMS: optional cell voltage & temperature logging
New configs:
[vehicle] bms.log.voltage.interval Interval for cell voltage logging, default 0=disable
[vehicle] bms.log.temp.interval Interval for cell temperature logging, default 0=disable
- BMS: detection of inconsistent voltage series by gradient & stddev average deviation
thresholds, added pack metrics to battery monitor web UI, change cell warning & alert
thresholds to be applied exceeding stddev level
New metrics:
v.b.p.voltage.grad Cell voltage - gradient of current series [V]
New configs:
[vehicle] bms.dev.voltage.maxgrad Max gradient for a valid series
[vehicle] bms.dev.voltage.maxsddev Max stddev deviation from average for valid series

- Notifications: added optional long term trip & grid (charge/generator session) server logs.
See Notifications — Open Vehicles documentation for details.
New configs:
[notify] log.trip.storetime Trip log storage time in days, 0/empty = off (default)
[notify] log.trip.minlength … minimum trip length in km, default 0.2 km
[notify] log.grid.storetime Grid log storage time in days, 0/empty = off (default)

- Metrics: extended reboot persistence: most vehicle state and long term counter
metrics will now retain their values over a reboot (e.g. OTA update)
- Metrics: new standard metrics for grid integration (V2G) / generator role
New standard metrics:
v.c.kwh.grid Energy drawn from grid during running session
v.c.kwh.grid.total Energy drawn from grid total (life time)
v.g.generating True = currently delivering power
v.g.climit Maximum generator input current (from battery)
v.g.current Momentary generator input current (from battery)
v.g.duration.empty Estimated time remaining for full discharge
v.g.duration.range … for range limit
v.g.duration.soc … for SOC limit
v.g.efficiency Momentary generator efficiency
v.g.kwh Energy sum generated in the running session
v.g.kwh.grid Energy sent to grid during running session
v.g.kwh.grid.total Energy sent to grid total
v.g.limit.range Minimum range limit for generator mode
v.g.limit.soc Minimum SOC limit for generator mode
v.g.mode Generator mode (TBD)
v.g.pilot Pilot signal present
v.g.power Momentary generator output power
v.g.state Generator state (TBD)
v.g.substate Generator substate (TBD)
v.g.temp Generator temperature
v.g.time Duration of generator running
v.g.timermode True if generator timer enabled
v.g.timerstart Time generator is due to start
v.g.type Connection type (chademo, ccs, …)
v.g.voltage Momentary generator output voltage
- TPMS: metrics rework & standard alert notifications on new v.t.alert metric.
Replaced metrics…
v.tp.fl.p TPMS front left pressure
v.tp.fl.t TPMS front left temperature
v.tp.fr.p TPMS front right pressure
v.tp.fr.t TPMS front right temperature
v.tp.rl.p TPMS rear left pressure
v.tp.rl.t TPMS rear left temperature
v.tp.rr.p TPMS rear right pressure
v.tp.rr.t TPMS rear right temperature
v.t.pressure TPMS tyre pressures vector (fl,fr,rl,rr)
v.t.temp TPMS tyre temperatures vector
New standard metrics:
v.t.alert TPMS tyre alert levels [0=normal, 1=warning, 2=alert]
v.t.health TPMS tyre health states
- New standard metrics for total (life time) energy and coulomb

- Events: added automatic events on v.e.aux12v changes.
New events:

- Location: add metric for name of current location
New metrics:
v.p.location -- Name of current location if defined

- Server V3 improvements:
a) On first connection to MQTT broker we used to send all metrics. Now
we only send metrics for which we have a value.
b) New config settings:
"updatetime.on" which sets updatetime when the car is on (driving)
"updatetime.charging" which sets updatetime when the car is charging
"updatetime.awake" which sets updatetime when the car is awake
If unset the server uses the "idle" or "connected" interval as before
c) New config setting "updatetime.sendall". If you set this we will publish
_all_ valid metrics at this interval. Helpful to keep a steady flow of
values for charting.
PLEASE NOTE: These settings will increase OVMS' data usage.

- Wifi: option to immediately disconnect/reconnect on bad signal level
New config:
[network] wifi.bad.reconnect [bool], default no
- WiFi: replace fixed scan times by config instances
New configs:
[network] wifi.scan.tmin Min scan time per channel [ms], default 120 ms
[network] wifi.scan.tmax Max scan time per channel [ms], default 120 ms

- Updated wolfssh and wolfssl so the restriction of clients to use
aes128-cbc cipher is no longer required.
For full changelog, see:

Thanks to all the open source developers who contributed to this.