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Original (non abstract ocean) interior LED's

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Active Member
Mar 28, 2017
Orlando, FL
i just got a pack of four AO LED's to brighten up my trunk and frunk and they worked out well. I was planning to use the original lights to add rear footwell and rear door puddle lights, since my car didn't come with them. For some reason it didn't dawn on me until today that I was only going to have two original lights available after adding the AO lights because I also didn't have original lights on the sides in the trunk.

I considered getting another set of AO lights for the foot wells or puddle lights, but I'm not sure I really need the extra brightness and I prefer the color temperature of the original lights. (I definitely need the extra brightness in the frunk and trunk though)

So, after all that I'm wondering if anyone who replaced their lights with AO lights has two of the original lights left. I'm happy to pay a bit for the lights and cover shipping, of course (although if you happened to be in the Orlando area and I could pick them up that would be even better)

i just got a pack of four AO LED's to brighten up my trunk and frunk and they worked out well. I was planning to use the original lights to add rear footwell and rear door puddle lights, since my car didn't come with them. For some reason it didn't dawn on me until today that I was only going to have two original lights available after adding the AO lights because I also didn't have original lights on the sides in the trunk.

I considered getting another set of AO lights for the foot wells or puddle lights, but I'm not sure I really need the extra brightness and I prefer the color temperature of the original lights. (I definitely need the extra brightness in the frunk and trunk though) So, after all that I'm wondering if anyone who replaced their lights with AO lights has two of the original lights left. I'm happy to pay a bit for the lights and cover shipping, of course (although if you happened to be in the Orlando area and I could pick them up that would be even better) Thanks

Hi Brett, I did the AO upgrade and have 2 extra lights available ... just PM me and I will send the lights to you :cool:
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I'm in the same situation as the original poster. I upgraded some lights with the Abstract Ocean units in my non-PUP MS, but want to add a couple of extra lights with a warmer color temperature elsewhere in the cabin that I modified with my own LED strip lights. Does anyone have a couple of extra original LED light units lying around that they're willing to part with? Thanks!