We drove to the top of Pikes Peak today. I thought the graphs were pretty funny and thought people here might find them interesting, too.
From the house to the main road is a gentle downhill so the Trip graph is flat. Then you start up the road the battery just nose dives going up the mountain.
On the way down there's only brief moments where the car consumes power. Otherwise you're making pretty fantastic regen.
There was another Model Y on the way up when we were on our way down. He had a GoPro on the roof so we might be seeing that soon as well
From the house to the main road is a gentle downhill so the Trip graph is flat. Then you start up the road the battery just nose dives going up the mountain.
On the way down there's only brief moments where the car consumes power. Otherwise you're making pretty fantastic regen.
There was another Model Y on the way up when we were on our way down. He had a GoPro on the roof so we might be seeing that soon as well