When I set the charging amps down to 20A from the max 24A on the center screen settings, does that only limit the charging power consumption or combined charging + cabin heating power consumption, i.e. the total power drawn from the Wall Connector?
I'm asking because at least I used to have problems with 25A circuit breakers (C25) tripping occasionally. After the first tripping I set the amps down to the 20A and after the second tripping one of the breakers was replaced just in case (it was not checked if it was defective). The Wall Connector is set to max (24A I think).
I'm asking because at least I used to have problems with 25A circuit breakers (C25) tripping occasionally. After the first tripping I set the amps down to the 20A and after the second tripping one of the breakers was replaced just in case (it was not checked if it was defective). The Wall Connector is set to max (24A I think).