Thought I would start a thread to see if others are in a similar boat and compare order dates, vin dates, etc...
From what I can gather this has been a popular new color and the .99 deal has also been popular so there could be a large number of us out there.
Saw a few posts on Reddit that delivery date windows for Quick Silver had been pushed way out which is concerning.
Here are my details:
Purchase date: 5/15
MYP in Quick Silver, Black interior no other options
No Vin Yet
Boston, MA
Timeframe only states the original May - June
For those with the .99 financing I believe the finance terms and approval are good for 60 days ; though not 100% sure
Beyond 60 days I have no idea what happens, would need to reapply I assume but unclear if you then lose any previous promotional rate.
From what I can gather this has been a popular new color and the .99 deal has also been popular so there could be a large number of us out there.
Saw a few posts on Reddit that delivery date windows for Quick Silver had been pushed way out which is concerning.
Here are my details:
Purchase date: 5/15
MYP in Quick Silver, Black interior no other options
No Vin Yet
Boston, MA
Timeframe only states the original May - June
For those with the .99 financing I believe the finance terms and approval are good for 60 days ; though not 100% sure
Beyond 60 days I have no idea what happens, would need to reapply I assume but unclear if you then lose any previous promotional rate.