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Reconciliation Bill and Estimated Delivery timing

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Active Member
Aug 11, 2020
So the House has a 9/27 deadline to pass the infrastructure bill and I believe the reconciliation bill will be voted on at approximately the same time. I believe there are EV tax credits in the reconciliation bill, potentially up to $10k for Tesla (non-union).

My estimated deliver date has been ~9/4-9/25 for a couple months and as recently as two days ago. As we are almost in Sept, I was planning on calling Tesla this week to push my delivery date out. I could push it to October to see what congress passes. Though this late in the year, should I push it to January 1? Seems like it's getting less likely they will make it retroactive for the year or start the credits before the new year.

I just checked my EDD and it is now October. It's dipped into Oct briefly before only to move back into September.

So.... I guess I will just check my EDD every day and if it moves into September I'll ask for a delay.

Can anyone shed light on how long you can delay? How many times? In what size chunks?

Anyone in a similar predicament have another strategy?

P.S. No VIN assigned yet.
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It already did.
The infrastructure bill passed the Senate. The question is whether the Reconciliation Bill can get through. I believe it requires a simple majority, so 50 Dems+ 1 VP. The question potentially comes down to whether there are detractors in the Dem party since the size of the bill is quite large...

Personally, I do hope it passes :)
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The infrastructure bill passed the Senate. The question is whether the Reconciliation Bill can get through. I believe it requires a simple majority, so 50 Dems+ 1 VP. The question potentially comes down to whether there are detractors in the Dem party since the size of the bill is quite large...

Personally, I do hope it passes :)
Senate Democrats approve $3.5 trillion budget resolution in key step toward passing major economic package without GOP votes
So, they passed the "framework", I guess. I'm not really sure how many more steps there are in the whole process now. I suppose it's possible the same 50 Senators won't vote for it the second time around? Seems I will likely delay delivery.
Just buy it. There was all kinds of similar discussion when I ordered in February. I decided I didn't care as I wanted the car anyway. Luckily, I was able to get it when the price was at its absolute lowest $48,990. It went up $1,000 a week later and then a few more thousand since then.

If you're going to get the car anyway, the incentive isn't necessary. It's supposed to be to entice people to get an electric car who wouldn't otherwise get one.
Its very likely that Tesla will increase the prices if/when the bill passes. so it is probably better to lock in the price now.
I could be wrong, but I feel like the prices are actually going to fall next year. They have a lot of new capacity coming online, and its hard to imagine them keeping it all utilized at the current price levels.
I'm in the same situation. I got a notification that I could schedule delivery in a week. If the tax credit bill was still many months out I would just take delivery now. But from what I heard the bill is planned to be announced in mid-September and then voted on at the end of September. It would be pretty disappointing to miss out on the tax credit by a week or two. So for now my delivery is now on hold. For me it is worth it to delay the delivery a bit for the chance at getting the tax credit.

I'm just not really sure what happens when the hold ends later in September. Am I at the front of the line to get the next available car, or do I go to the end of the line as if I just ordered?
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