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SCAM ALERT: User ‘Lubafenniman’

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I had a ‘HPWC Wanted’ ad a couple weeks ago. Today I received a message from the above named user which read:

I can help you out with a lead. contact Nelson in PA. on nelsonwilli143@gmail. com, regarding your request. he had NEW 80A HPWC wants to part with. I purchased items from him in the past and they arrived in top condition.

Pretty obvious scam - and one that’s been tried on at least one other forum. I’ve reported the user, but thought I’d better post something here just in case. Mods, please delete if not needed.

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Sadly did not see this msg as I spent last week interacting with nelsonwilli143@gmail. com via a msg from him on the third. Fortunately when I realized his email timezone was in eastern europe I was able to get PayPal to refund my payment for goods. Oddly he complained he couldn't access the compromised PayPal account he was using... Ya ask for photo, pay for goods & services, and check email headers.. Lesson learned ..
Well we are not in a lockdown now chaps. Face to face saves a lot of grief! I certainly wouldn’t be committing to any large purchases from some randomer!

Hi by the way! New user here hunting for a second hand Model S hence I’ve just joined. Needless to say I won’t be buying a Tesla without a face to face! 👍😎