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Selling Rear facing seats for Model S

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Be careful. Cars that didn't come with the seats don't have the reinforcements necessary to protect third row occupants.

If I understand correctly, only early builds do not have the reinforcements. Later builds include the reinforcements whether the rear seats were ordered or not. I could be wrong, but it's worth asking. Mine is a March 2014 and IIRC, I was told they were just transitioning over to including the aluminum bracing at that time.
If I understand correctly, only early builds do not have the reinforcements. Later builds include the reinforcements whether the rear seats were ordered or not. I could be wrong, but it's worth asking. Mine is a March 2014 and IIRC, I was told they were just transitioning over to including the aluminum bracing at that time.

I believe it's the other way around. Originally all cars had the reinforcements, but they were discontinued on later cars as a cost savings measure.

I would strongly recommend contacting your Tesla Service Center about this. They should be able to tell from your VIN whether the car is compatible with third row seats or not.