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Sentry mode has triggered alarm state

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Active Member
Mar 5, 2020
First time getting this notification from the app. I’m nowhere near the car - it’s parked in a car park, I’m in London at the office

Anything more I can do to check in the status or I just worry until I get back to the car in about… 6 hours?
Assuming there is nothing major happening to your car, it should return to Standby state after 30 seconds.

All you can do is track the location of the car and take comfort in the fact that footage will be available for you to view when you do get back to it.

I hope it all turns out to be OK.
2021.40 will reportedly get the remote sentry view capability. In the meantime hope it’s a false alarm - ours was. We think it was probably some turbulence from a close passing bus - it’s a while ago and iirc a bus in the footage - pre the days when you could view in car and it marked the incident with a red dot then stopped recording at the critical moment. No other explanation. Looking out the window it’s beginning to blow here. So fingers crossed it’s just a bit of wind and something else moving close by.
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My car triggers its sentry mode at the tiniest things. If someone parks next to you, or leaves, or just walks nearby, or if a leaf lands on the car ...

I believe the goal of upcoming mobile app updates is to be able to review the sentry mode videos and actually interact with the car in more useful ways like essentially having an intercom system with the car. This is just early steps of the app.
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Got this yesterday morning in an underground car park. I assumed it was noise since there was no footage recorded (only one item on the memory stick and it was a very corrupted two seconds of video of me walking up to the car after I got the notification).
Sorry to resurrected an old thread but I'm getting this quite a lot.
We havev cut the bushes and shrubs back, in case they are triggering the alarm.
Weirdly, no alarm if I try to open a door..without my phone with me.