We are interested in learning vehicle settings from Southern California Model 3 owners who successfully use Navigation on Autopilot from onramp to offramp: Traffic Aware Cruise Control, Autosteer, Follow Distance, Auto Lane Changes, Mild or Mad Max, etc.
The list above is not comprehensive. We're certain something has inadvertently not been included.
We are primarily interested in hearing from drivers who have chosen settings that result in satisfactory operation of Navigation on Autopilot on Southern California freeways during typical high volume traffic.
Please be as specific and comprehensive as possible about your settings.
Thank you.
The list above is not comprehensive. We're certain something has inadvertently not been included.
We are primarily interested in hearing from drivers who have chosen settings that result in satisfactory operation of Navigation on Autopilot on Southern California freeways during typical high volume traffic.
Please be as specific and comprehensive as possible about your settings.
Thank you.